
“I happen to be a turnupstuffer, so of course I never have a free moment.” “What’s that?” asked Tommy. “Somebody who finds the stuff that turns up if only you look, of course. What else would it be?” said Pippi. “The whole world is filled with things that are just waiting for someone to come along and find them, and that’s just what a turnupstuffer does.”
Astrid Lindgren,
‘Pippi Longstocking’

Herman Junger


We began todays lecture with that quote. I adore collecting and finding objects so I relate to this quote quite strongly. We started looking at the artist Herman Junger, and how he relates to this quote. Junger was a collector himself, however the things he regards as treasures, most people would call rubbish. He would collect anything that he sees value in, things such as rusty cans, quashed bottle caps e.t.c. and he would use these pieces of “rubbish” as inspiration for his jewellery.


Junger became an art student in Germany just as the war began, so his studio, and the studio of many other art students was bombed. They worked in the celler of this bombed building and began drawing, painting and sketching. However soon after they began looking for objects which they could use to create beautiful pieces which is where Junger’s obsession with collecting began.

The first 3d piece that Junger had ever created was a spoon, and that was because he needed the spoon to eat, and to live. He then began collecting spoons and had a vast collection by the time he passed.


It wasn’t until after the war, when Junger was following the Bauhaws movement, when he went to work with a master gold smith, and from learning from this master goldsmith he went on to create his own pieces.

Stefano Marchetti


These two images are my favourite pieces of Marchetti’s. I adore the beautifully delicate details within the pieces. The dividing walls within the first ring are so beautiful, to be done at such a small scale in incredible. The metal is so incredibly thin and it has such as delicate quality about it. I like the rugged edges of the exposed edges of the ring and feel that it adds a beautiful quality to the ring. I find it very interesting how solid the ring seems, but yet it also seems so incredibly delicate.

I adore the holes in the second ring. The delicate lines and the indentations throughout the ring are beautiful. the shades of gold throughout the ring is beautiful and the random patten throughout the ring is very interesting.


Herman Junger: http://www.ganoksin.com/borisat/nenam/hermann-junger.htm 

Stefano Marchetti: http://www.marzee.nl/galerie/stefano-marchetti/

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