Cracks In A Town

So for the Exhibition Assignment we were able to choose any topic we wanted.

After my work placement at Cwmni Da, bilingualising  my work became more important, so from this I created the booklet about my home town for the D&AD brief. The booklet was promotional, so showed the tourist areas of the town, I wanted to create a more realistic representation of the town.

I wanted to show that the town is a beautiful place, filled with character and interesting places and people. People that love living in this little town because of the memories and friends that they make there.I want to show the cracks in the town, and the people that work around the cracks because they’re proud of where they come from.

I didn’t have a formula for the project , I wasn’t sure where I would end up and quite liked the idea of working spontaneously. Taking images, making drawings and recording video footage, and then seeing what I had to then create my final piece.


I began this project by taking pictures and recording video footage of the town.

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I also purchased some polaroid film, and have been taking similar images throughout the town using the film.


DSCF6687This is a plinth that my dad and I worked on. He cut a tree down in my       grandparents garden and I wanted to use it to put an iMac on as a nice way to present my video.

However, after a critique I started to doubt whether or not it would be a good way to present the work or not. Eventually I decided to scrap the idea, and decided to project the video instead.

After decided this, I needed to think of how to present the rest of my work. Initially I was going to present polaroid photographs, water colour paintings and various other things on a wall and then have the plinth and video in font of it.


After the Critique I started feel quite deflated with my work, I wasn’t sure what I was going to be presenting as my final piece and it started worrying me greatly. However during the critique my tutor gave me a couple of suggestions of things that I should look at, these were:

The Selfish Giant (Film 2014)


The Boyle Family

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The image on the left really inspired me for this project. It linked very well to the quote from my work statement, “the people that work around the cracks because they’re proud of where they come from” and was something that I would be able to use as inspiration for something to mount on the wall and project my video onto. So this was a breakthrough for me.


I was watching the ‘Move Along’ video by ‘All American Rejects’ and the video is basically the lead singer in various scenarios singing along with the lyrics.

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I liked the format of the video, with the lead singer in the centre of the video singing, and the world carrying on around him and thought that this might be a good format to use for my video, to ask people from the town to let me record them standing in places around the town for maybe 10-15 seconds to have them stood still and have the world carry on around them. I thought that this might be a good way to show the people that live there, as well as to get hints of the town from what’s going on behind them.

All I need to do now is pluck up the courage to ask people!



This weekend my boyfriend and I worked on this piece to mount on the wall and project my video on. Through gaining the theme of cracks, and wanting the video format of having a portrait of people stood in the video, I wanted the crack the tiles so that when the video is projected onto the board, the cracks will show through onto their faces.

My only concern now is getting it to college, and then seeing if it’s light enough to project onto.


Yay! We got it to college fine, my dad was able to borrow a van and we got it there in once piece, managed to mount it to the wall and everything!


We used the two pieces of wood in the image to prop it up against the wall whist I held it in place and my dad screwed it all into the wall. My only concern now is that it may be too low…..


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