Cwmni Da

After a lot of e-mailing around, finally! Cwmni Da have accepted my onto a work placement!

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I am incredibly excited to start there, I went for a tour and to speak about my portfolio last week which was great, met a few of the people that worked there, including the Graphic Designer, which was pretty cool!

My only concern is that it is a very Welsh place, ac dydw i ddim wed defnyddwch fy Cymraeg ers fy GCSE’s, efallau dwi’n mor nervous am fy Cymraeg. was that ok?

I’m sure I’ll get used to it, I understand a fair amount of Welsh, but I struggle slightly with getting my words out, and my spelling has gone down hill! BREATHE! I’m sure it will be fine.

I am very excited to get started though! I should be there on Monday, but I have to go to college to hand my video, essay and blog in, so I will be heading there Tuesday. However! Wednesday is when I have to be in college for my assessment feedback! so once all of that is out of the way, I should be able to be at Cwmni Da more often which will be good, I’m very excited to experience working in that type of environment, working on live projects and getting feedback from people who are actually employed in the field that I want to go in!

It is a great opportunity.


Day 1 // 29.01.2015

So today was a very productive day! I really enjoyed myself too, I was working on creating the titles for a children’s show, it wasn’t the hardest work ever, but it was very time consuming, I think I managed about 35 titles today? approximately. Which finished off the list for them,


I didn’t mind doing the work, it was quite monotonous but it was “real world” work. So if I hadn’t been doing it then the Graphic Designer of Cwmni Da would have been doing it, which kind of kept me going, like this is going to be on the TELLY!

Was pretty proud of my progress today, to manage to get through all of the titles, and export them. Everyone’s really nice there too!

Can’t wait to head back there next week!


Day 2 // 03.02.15

Today at Cwmni Da, I was working on posters for Plas Glyn Y Weddw. Iestyn had previously created posters for the iBeacon, which is a device that connects with your iPad once you have downloaded their app, and it will give you a guided tour of the building and the paintings e.t.c. So I began working on posters to promote the app, which people would need to download in order for it to work.

So I began by looking through all of the images that they had been sent from Plas Glyn Y Weddw, deciding upon ones to use as a background for the poster. Initially we used a tag line similar to, “Learn more about the history of Plas Glyn Y Weddw by downloading our app”, and made posters accordingly, using old images of the building e.t.c.

However, we changed the tag line to something similar to, “Take a tour of Plas Glyn Y Weddw by downloading our app” which worked better because that was the point of the iBeacon. So I then created posters with that tag line in mind.

However, we wanted the title “Plas Glyn Y Weddw” on one line, and to accommodate that the text would have had to have been separated onto three lines, which didn’t work compositionally, so I then took the initiative to change the text to something similar to, “Download our app and take a tour of Plas Glyn Y Weddw” which was able to fit onto two lines.

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By the end of the day I had created approximately 10 posters to choose from, I was very happy with the work that I’d done and thought that the posters worked well for the purpose they were intended.


Day 3 // 09.02.15

In the morning I continued with the posters for Plas Glyn Y Weddw after receiving some feedback from Phil, I reworked the layout and everyone seemed happy with it. The layout also worked with various images depending on which the client was most happy with.

PGYW-Poster2     PGYW-Poster copy

After dinner I began work on an Emergency Contacts poster for Cwmni Da. I was sent images of the first aiders, health officers and fire wardens to add to the poster and a list of names e.t.c. to include. Only problem I faced was that I didn’t have a clue what faces belonged to what names so Iestyn had a nice afternoon of me asking him a lot of questions.


Day 4 // 10.02.15

Continuing with the Emergency Contacts poster in the morning. After speaking to a man named David about some bits of information I needed, and about some missing images, I cracked on with it!

Managed to finish the poster just before dinner, and with a couple of suggestions from Iestyn the poster ended up looking pretty good!

Cysylltiadau Argyfwng1


Day 5 // 16.02.2015

This morning was spent working on another advertisement piece for Plas Glyn-Y-Weddw, it was the same as the poster design I had made, just in a different format so I needed to alter it to fit this new format. They wanted a vertical portable banner, you know the one, the rolls out of a case and you use a stick behind it to keep it up?

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I do prefer the blue one if I’m honest, it’s a lot brighter and more inviting that the brown one. However I’m pretty happy with both, and I’m happy with all of the work I’ve done at Cwmni Da so far!

After dinner David came to speak to me about the Emergency Contacts poster that I had been working on, I’d finally been given the two missing images so was able to send it to him to get his opinion. A few things needed to be changed and added such as the titles, and the expiry date, but it looks much better after adding more information.

The only thing I would day is that now with the three lines of information the 4 people on the left are quite close together, but I don’t think it is necessarily a bad thing. The main thing that needed to change was some of the Welsh titles, I am still a learner after all!

Cysylltiadau Argyfwng

It’s been really good to get into a work place and see how it functions in contrast to the studio environment which I’m used to.


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